BrowserStack to the rescue

Today being a Saturday, we are skipping the usual dev work but instead going to delve into testing using Browser Stack. Fair warning…… This may come across as sales pitch and we are not getting paid for it. Cross Browser testing has long been a pain in the neck for developers. It used to be very hard to run tests across multiple browsers and now also across multiple mobile devices. BrowserStack evolved with cross browser functional testing and now the product also does cross mobile app tests as well. Today we have major software shops like Amazon, Microsoft, Twitter rely on BrowserStack for testing.

Every user accesses our website or mobile app from different browsers or devices. No matter which device/browser they use, we want our users to have a seamless experience navigating through our applications. With such a highly fragmented device/browser market, testing on every combination seems impossible. But, BrowserStack makes this easy for us. It allows us to test across 2000+ real devices and browsers and makes sure to cover almost all the platforms. Development teams can either run automated tests on every commit from the CI/CD pipeline or can configure to run BrowserStack tests on a nightly basis to save some costs on Parallel test licenses. Image source: BrowserStack

At BundleN, we experiment with stack combinations on our own time.

For potential clients interested in this stack, we can always give a demo of what we have up until that point of time. You can reach us at

For more details on this

Here is the latest about our Angular + Java project.


Publish Subscribe for Events

Task Details

Add ability to dashboard widgets to refresh or get updated data based on Publish-Subscribe for events


Back end object for notifications

Task Details

Develop a back end object for communicating notifications with the front end application.

User Roles Back end End points and UI

Every organization deals with lot of roles. Let’s get some back end end points and also throw in a UI page for an admin to handle roles. Most companies have an LDAP we can use for roles. We can have LDAP integration at a later time.

  • Roles API End Point
  • Social Login using Google
  • Social Login using Facebook
  • Forms
  • Form Validation
  • Logs
  • Security

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